Summit Learning and Our Kids: A Closer Look

Recently. Woodland Park School Superintendent Dr. Mathew Neal voiced concerns about the Summit Learning Program at the August school board meeting.  I also have concerns from a local and systemic view; is this program harming students, families, and teachers?

How are Summit Learning Program and Local Education connected?

The answer might surprise you. Let’s first look at who benefits the most from this partnership.

Gates, Zuckerberg Teaming Up on Personalized Learning

In 2017, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partnered to donate $12 million to advance personalized learning in U.S. classrooms. The result was Summit Learning Program, and it has been implemented here in Woodland Park Public Schools.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Zuckerberg is not a fan of freedom of speech. Especially if you’re a conservative on Facebook. And his partner in all of this is Bill-vaccines-for-everyone-Gates. It has also come out that Zuckerberg and Gates use online (personalized learning) to exploit personal family information using your child, then sell it to the highest bidder.

Quantity vs Quality

Summit Learning is putting your child in a box of seclusion and placing them on computerized programs using AI algorithms via various startups that have developed software that tracks student performance. Once a student has mastered a certain subject, they are directed on to a new module. This sounds perfectly efficient until you take into consideration the cumulative long-term emotional and psychological effects that such isolation has on our kids.

Children learn best when interacting with others students. An AI cannot ask stimulating questions tailored to the child’s personality the way a teacher would who has a relationship with the student that has developed over the days and weeks spent together in a classroom.

Teachers have shared with me the concern that they are becoming little more than facilitators who no longer have real teaching opportunities. Children are not being taught to think critically, but to mindlessly obey so they can get through the next module!

The Future is Now

Investigate for yourselves. Do the research. Answer this question. What is the real objective of a $12+++ million donation to your child’s curriculum? (See what’s happening in Colorado in this article.) 

Are Zuckerberg and Gates going to donate millions without a return for their investment? If we were talking about altruistic philanthropists who had a history of unselfish benevolence, I could more easily believe that they simply wanted a better future for our children. But by the fruit of their previous actions, these men have proven they have an agenda and an endgame in mind.

Is it possible that philanthropic donations are being used as a cover to exploit personal family data by using students in public education? How many K-12 Non-Public Schools are implementing personalized learning?

Bureaucrats are endeavoring to own public education at the federal, state, and local levels. Why?

As your elected school board official, I will evaluate how to focus on traditional curriculum and the safety of our students. Not on the profits of philanthropic $$$. 


Suzanne Patterson for Woodland Park School Board



More on: Healthy Kids Survey:

Healthy Kids Survey: A Closer Look

How much do you know about the “Healthy Kids Survey”? It is a survey that has its roots in the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and it is utilized in many states and schools, typically on the odd numbered years, so 2021 is one of those years. I have not asked if it has or is planned to be offered at the Woodland Park School District this year. According to the September 15th, 2021 Pikes Peak Courier article, Tina Cassens, executive director of student success at WPSD indicated this was an annual survey, but the CDC and the Colorado Department of Health and Environment indicate it is a bi-annual survey.

A two page information guide to the survey is available for you to review at:

The complete list of questions for each (high school and middle school) survey can be found at the following links:
Colorado 2021 High School Standard Healthy Kids survey

Colorado 2021 Middle School Standard Healthy Kids survey

The link to the CDC “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System” (YRBSS) surveys for high school and middle school have fewer questions than the Colorado Healthy Kids Survey, yet the two are very closely related, as you can see if you compare the corresponding surveys. The CDC YRBSS surveys can be accessed at:

Have you received the “Parent/Guardian Information Letter”? It is interesting to me that it is titled an “information letter” and not a consent forum, or an “Opt Out” form! Notice that it is a “Presumed Consent” form, meaning they are presuming you consent, UNLESS you return the form! In other words, they are planning on having your child complete this form UNLESS YOU OBJECT!
That’s almost like saying: “I’m going to take money out of your bank account, if I don’t hear from you!” Or “You are OK with me driving your car on a long trip, unless you return the form and say I can’t!” (Oh, Yes, and I can use your gas card, if you don’t return the Form!”) And what if you don’t get the form, or “information letter” in the first place? That’s OK, because we will just go ahead and “presume consent”! To look at the presumed consent or “information letter”, follow this link:

LET ME BE CLEAR about my intent is raising the questions around this survey. I do see value in having some of this information, and I know that every community in Colorado and all across America has children and young adults that are at risk, and possibly need assistance with many aspects of life. As a School Board Member, I am absolutely and totally committed to preparing and assisting all of our community children and young adults to reach their potential for themselves and their community. My goal is to ensure that the parents and guardians of these children are well informed and also equipped to assist their children in making good decisions. I encourage each of you to learn, learn about your school district, and learn about what is taking place in the school and in the community. Be involved with your children, and with your child’s school. Talk with your school board members. Express your concerns and your satisfactions, but most of all, let your voice be heard.

I’m Suzanne Patterson and I ask for your vote for Woodland Park School Board. Please vote on or before November 2, 2021. If you would like to share your thoughts, concerns, or satisfactions with me please do so by clicking on my name: Suzanne Patterson